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Many schools have their art programs removed in an effort to improve test scores and money.However.some researchers believe that this is not correct.Students can master some basic skills in art class that they can not find in a normal classroom.

Allow me to share why you have to take art class.

First and most important it stimulates creativity(激发创造力) Art schools encourage you to think outside the box and be creative enough to create something artistic.It can be used not only in art but in life.too.

Besides.it helps you make the right choice.In art class, you are usually free to do what you want. In every art class, you are required to make decisions that can determine what your painting will turn out to be.

In addition, students can learn the art of critical(批判性的) thinking as a skill of observation(观察).For example,art students find ways to imagine, That is a skill they need to become better readers and problem settlers.

What is more, it is noted that the company's bosses are actively looking for employees who can think creatively.Creative thinking is one of the most important skills that students can learn in art courses.

Finally, students who are trained in art class have interesting mental habits.They low to work on a task for along time and how to continue to work even if they are discouraged.They are better for creating a link between the classroom and the outside world.addition.children who do artwork are able to look back on their work and make iudgments about themselves.

1.Why are art programs removed from many schools?

A.To make students have their own hobbies

B.To improve students'test scores and save money.

C.To help students master some job skills

D.To give students more free time

2.What is the most important quality students develop in art class?





3.What can we learn from the text?

A.Art students are easily employed.

B.Art programs may bring a lot of money.

C.Art class can help students in many ways.

D.Art teachers should pay more attention to tests.

1—3:B C C


You know what a hotel is.of course.And perhaps, you also know what a condo is-aresidntial(居住的) building divided into seprate uniots that are owned by different people.What you may not know is that in some U.S.cities.the two have come together into something called a “condo hotel'.

Some condo hotels can now be found in beach and mountain towns and a few small cities, However, none is more famous than the great 105-year-old Plaza Hotel in New York.on Fifth Avenue across from Central Park.The Plaza closed for repair in 2005.When it reopened two years later, more than half of it had been changed into one of these modern condo hotels.

Here's how it works:You buy what equals to an apartment公寓.If it's at The Plaza, it will cost you between S 1. 5 million and$9 mllion. So you own apart of the building.But there's some inconvinience. You may stay there no more than 120 days a year.here ion.The rest of the time.the hotel's workers can book guests into your place, just as they would in the regular hotels rooms.So if you're lucky and rich.you can now live in really special quarters up to almost one thid of the year.While others payoff your mortgage(房贷) the rest of the year.

So far.a great monry of the nation's condo hotel units have been purchased not by rich people but richer companiesm, including foreign ones.They want a nice place for their bosses to stay when they are in town or working late at the office.

1.A condo is a place where people





2.How long can you stay in your own condo hotel unit a most each year?

A. 120 days

B.One month

C.Half a year

D.Three months.

3.What does purchased in the last parngraph probably mean?





4.What do we know about a condo hotel?

A.It is designed by rich companies.

C.It is usually sol data low price.

B.It is built for foreign travellers.

D.It is owned by different people.

1—4:A A B D





